The exercise routine they've set me up on will help me turn all my fat into lean muscle. Woohoo!
The exercise routine they've set me up on will help me turn all my fat into lean muscle. Woohoo!
12 Step Program
Newly Revised to 13 Steps
© 2001 by Shirley Thomas @ CraftSayings.com
1. I will not stuff craft supplies in every corner of my house.
2. I will not keep nine projects going at one time.
3. I will not pick up more buttons, lace or fabric when I have a ton at home.
4. I will not let my crafting area look like a condemned area.
5. I will not relegate the kitchen table to crafts.
6. I will not attend craft shows just to pick up more ideas.
7. I will not stock up on more craft supplies just because they are on sale.
8. I will not go off on a tangent when anyone mentions that little word "import ".
9. I will not let my crafting distract me from fixing dinner.
10. I will not stay up all night crafting.
11. I will not save dryer lint, empty cereal boxes, detergent scoops, etc.
12. I will not buy every craft magazine I see.
13. I will not make promises I cannot keep. See you at the craft show.
I've been super busy cleaning out the master bedroom closet. It's a walk-in and my goodness does it hold a lot of stuff!! Ha! That is where we hid all the clutter over the holidays. I spruced up our master bath with plush rugs and a few other neat things. This morning, Fred said being in our nice, clean bathroom made him feel like he was on vacation! lol Now, I've got to tackle our bedroom, which is where I put all the extra stuff from the closet! I've found lots of stuff to give away, so I'm excited about that! I even convinced Fred to part with a few ties and a ball cap! It's a miracle!! lol
The chemo pills are working great for Snoopy's skin ailment. Gosh, they're expensive! $210 a month. Gulp. But, he was so miserable before. His hair was falling out and he was digging himself to the point of infection. Poor baby.
Tonight we are going to a "banquet" of sorts. Every year, our church has an offering contest between the men and the women. The offerings go to Mother's Memorial, which buys appliances for our foreign missionaries, supports Bible School scholarships and more. So, which ever side loses the offering contest has to serve dinner to the winners!! The ladies won last year so we are looking forward to chilling out tonight while the men do all the work! Woohoo! We also will be treated to entertainment, etc. Can't wait!
The year before, the ladies lost. We had SO much fun putting on the dinner! I decorated the fellowship hall with rusted out car parts, including an old bumper. We hung rusty bed springs and tools from the ceiling with fishing twine. The table center pieces were rusty paint cans, etc. filled with weeds. All the ladies wore flannel shirts, those muu-muu housecoats and slippers, etc. Some had rollers in their hair. LOL Then, I printed up a menu. The front read "Road Kill Cafe". Inside the menu were choices like Awesome Possum, Wheels and Grease, Cluck & Worms and tons of other really gross names. The men HAD to order off that menu and they had NO idea what they were getting!! Other options were a pick and a shovel (fork and spoon), so if they didn't order those things, they didn't get any silverware!! It was hysterical!! We had a visiting minister who is so deadpan serious and he was so afraid to order off that menu that he only ended up with mashed potatoes, green beans and a spoon! No meat, no bread, etc. It was so funny!
For entertainment, we did some "You might be a redneck..." jokes that were personalized for our congregation and we had a pig calling contest! Too much fun!
Yesterday, I spent hours sorting through my scrapbooking supplies, crafty things, etc. Some of it hadn't been unpacked yet from our move. I could NOT believe all the supplies I had in boxes. It's embarrassing. This is some of the stuff I got rid off (some of it had already gone out to the trash & missed the photo opp. lol).
In case it doesn't look like much, that pile on the left is 4 feet high!! In all those boxes, I found over 50 packages of UNOPENED stickers!!!! OH my gosh! Now, for those of you who know me well you probably know that I LoVe stickers. And for all those packages that I found, 95% of them were purchased on clearance. But, the truly sad thing is that they've in boxes for more than a year. Unorganized. Unused. Unappreciated. So, what's the point, you know? I got a big laundry basket and started throwing the stickers in that basket as I came across them. Then, later on I organized them all in my sticker binder. And, guess what!? Today, instead of buying Valentine cards, I made them and used up about 7 packages of those stickers!! Ye-haw! LOL
I LoVe getting...and being...organized!
Only 200 more boxes to go!! LOL
I'm throwing my body into shock...I started taking a multi-vitamin today. Plus, since I've been sick for months on end, I'm taking extra Vitamin C and drinking Boost, a nutritional drink. I intend to get healthy!! I'm still waiting to get a promised call from the dietician. It's been 2 weeks. Maybe I should call and see what's up. I'm ready to get my first appointment scheduled!
For those of you who know my beloved 10 year old Black Lab, Snoopy, he has suffered terribly with some type of skin allergy the past few months. We've tried everything- a special diet from the vet, special shampoo from the vet, shots, creams, etc. Nothing. Last week, he got started on a drug that is used by chemo patients. I'm not sure how it helps people, but it has worked wonders on him the past 7 days! The vet said if it helped, he'd take it the rest of his life. The only downside is the cost- it's $7 per pill! But, seeing as how Snoopy is our only child, we consider it worth it!
Snoopy, back in the spring
I have discovered that only one thing is more frightening than change, and that is the thought of never changing.
Genuine and permanent change concerning the truth about why we are not taking care of ourselves may require some deep soul-searching, and not everyone is willing to do that. Only the truth sets us free (John 8:32) but truth is not always easy to face.
In fact, facing the truth about ourselves is one of the bravest things we can ever do.
Soul-searching, facing truth, and making necessary changes will be unbearable, so long as you try to "bear" it yourself. The bonds are too strong, and the powers arrayed against you too formidable. Only God is strong enough to lift that burden.
"But they that wait up on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." ~Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)
~Joyce Meyer
Willpower sure sounds like a great thing. We are led to believe that we have enough of it to fight off every temptation that comes our way. And sometimes it works. But let me tell you a little secret about willpower. Willpower is your best friend when things go well, but it's the first friend to check out when you get weary.
The Bible says we are to be led by God's Spirit. We are never instructed to be willpower-led, we are told to be Spirit-led!
Willpower and discipline are important and vitally necessary to a successful life, but willpower alone won't be enough. Determination gets you started and keeps you going for a while, but it is never enough to bring you across the finish line.
"Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts" ~Zechariah 4:6 NKJV
Now, what happens if, instead of turning first to willpower in your time of need, you turn to God instead? God releases His power into your willpower and energizes it to bring you across the finish line. Willpower does not get the credit for our success, God does.
Willpower and determination will get us started, but they've been known to quit in the middle and leave us stranded.
God never quits in the middle.
~Joyce Meyer in "Look Great Feel Great".
In truth, things aren't easier when you give up, because you then have to spend the rest of your life feeling like a failure and making excuses to God for why you aren't using the gift He's given you. What if your mother gives you a beautiful painting but you never get around to framing it? Every time she comes over, you feel guilty, bad, and lazy. You make another excuse, but deep down you know the truth is that you just do not care enough to do it. Well, guess what? God's coming around every day. He knows and sees everything, so it is time to stop making excuses and start making the most of the life God has given you.
Taking care of your life is not an indulgence." ~Joyce Meyer
Think of all the things in your life that cause you stress. You ( and I) can eliminate a lot of stress by cutting out just one thing from our lives that isn't bearing any fruit. This can be a hard task!! What am I going to eliminate?? Hmmm...thinking...I think I'll start with clutter. I have a lot of clutter and that is SO stressful! Clutter is a type of security for me...however, truthfully, it's extremely stressful!! I will go one room at a time and start getting rid of things I don't really need. The hardest part for me, though, will be not filling those spaces back up with new clutter!
What one thing are you going to eliminate to ease your stress level? Let me know!
"We can't. We're afraid."
"Come to the edge."
"We can't. we will fall!"
"Come to the edge."
And they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.
~Guillaume Apollinaire
When I read this, just for an instant, it took my breath away! I reread it, but when I read it that second time, the words had changed and I saw in my mind's eye:
It's time to make changes in your life.
I can't. I'm afraid.
It's time to make changes in your life.
I can't. I will fail!
It's time to make changes in your life.
And I said OK.
And I started the journey.
And I succeeded!