UPDATE: Someone has said the link to this is no longer valid. Email me/comment if you'd like me to send you the download, because I saved it to my computer last night. =)

I found a link for a free sheet of vintage labels, etc. and the Relax label you see on the bottle is an example of what's included. You can find the free down-loadable sheet
here. The labels include different words and pix of vintage ladies. the possibilities are endless!
7 Kind words & kindred thoughts::
Thanks for sharing but it was gone when I got there...glad you found them though. Blessings, Dianntha
Dianntha, let me know how to get ahold of you and I'll forward you the file. =)
Hi Michelle,
The link says it's no longer available. Could you e-mail me the file with the printables? Did you make that bottle? CUTE!
Hugs~ Birgit
Hi birgit! I've just emailed the file to you. LMK if you have any problems!
Hi Michele, You can reach me at dilessig@gmail.com
You are so sweet, thank you for offering your help. Dianntha
Dianntha, I just sent the file your way. Let me know if you have any troubles opening it!
Would you mind sending the file to me too? What a great idea. My daughter went to a garage sale and she said they had old bottles decorated up with old jewerly and wires. Thanks so much.
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