Pre-Op. I was so relaxed that when they came to get me for the surgery, I was snoring! LOL
I had my surgery on Monday and came home on Tuesday! The surgery went great! Doc removed my right ovary, tube and uterus. The right ovary had a lot of scar tissue from my ovarian disease. The left ovary had some blood vessels starting to grow on it so he clipped those. He wanted to leave the left ovary if at all possible so that I didn't start menopause now.
The most painful things have been my back and then the
catheter. During surgery, I guess they sort of have your head down
towards the floor with your lower body up in the air and the
position hurt my back so bad! I have a degenerating spine and arthritis in my spine. Post-op, I had to have morphine and
toradol (
sp?) just for the back pain!
Then, the
catheter hurt so bad I
cried and when I mentioned it to Doc he said it was more than the
catheter...that he'd used a scope in the same spot to check for scar tissue, etc. Once that tenderness went away, I did fine with the
The surgery lasted about 2 hours and I think I was in my own room by 2 PM. By 3 AM Tuesday morning, I was eating pudding and crackers & drinking Sierra Mist! At 6 AM, I'd already been up walking, used the bathroom on my own and was released by the DR! I think I slept until about 11:30 AM though and had hubby pick me up then. I could have stayed as long I wanted, but thought I would rest better in my Temper-
Pedic bed! I was right!
lolI got a shower today and rode to town with hubby. It was so nice to be out in the sunshine! I did well, except felt a little car sick. We had called the surgeon prior to my little excursion, just to make sure it was
Post-op my BP was too low. I know it was 98/51 at one point. They kept me on oxygen the whole time almost. I also had to do breathing treatments to get the air flowing.
With the
da Vinci robot doing the surgery, I am stitched up from the inside out, so there's very little "pulling" when I move, which is awesome! I have NO pain when I cough or sneeze! I'm just amazed!
The swelling is going down from my face, hands, etc. All the swelling is from "standing on my head" during surgery.
SO swollen post-op!!

I have 5 incisions. This one is in my belly button.

Here are 2 more incisions. These are on my left side. I have two more on my right said.
This is it! Can you believe how far hysterectomies have come?? My mom's scar from her 1970's hysterectomy is from "stem to stern!".
For pain, I'm only taking 1/2 a Vicoden twice a day!! Woohoo! LOL
The very hardest part for me is not being able to hold or lift Ryleigh. I have just cried tonight because I couldn't lift her out of her crib and she cried and clung to me, not understanding why mommy wasn't helping her! UGH! I can't lift her for 4 weeks!! But, these weeks will pass quickly and we'll get on with our summer!
I'm so happy to be on the other side of this surgery! Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers!