Thought I'd better get busy and post another update! The days go by in a blur!
Since my last post, my mom has been in the hospital again...and is back home...again. Bless her heart! She is still doing physical therapy 3 X a week and is on oxygen at home.
We've rec'd bad news concerning my father-in-law's cancer. It has spread quite a bit, including in his lymph nodes and bones in his pelvis as well as his spine. He started chemo again this past week and it's been 100 X harder on him this go-around. He was very, very ill today and his oncologist insisted he go to the emergency room, so he did. He was admitted tonight. His white blood cell count is very low.
I've been having a lot of pain still where my right ovary was, so I went to the OB/GYN on Tuesday. He froze off a spot below were my uterus was...there was a spot that had over-healed and was kind of like a skin tag that was very painful and causing blood in my urine. But, for the other pain where my ovary was, I had a CT scan yesterday. Hope to get the results soon and I'd better NOT need surgery again! lol
My baby girl is growing by leaps and bounds! She is up to 25 lbs now. I can barely keep up with her!! LOL Here's where I caught her last night! She used 2 forks to bang on a pot. When she was done, she put the forks back in the silverware caddy, climbed off the dishwasher door, stood up and closed the door and laughed, said GOOD GIRL! while clapping her hands!! She is so stinkin' cute and funny!
Since my last post, my mom has been in the hospital again...and is back home...again. Bless her heart! She is still doing physical therapy 3 X a week and is on oxygen at home.
We've rec'd bad news concerning my father-in-law's cancer. It has spread quite a bit, including in his lymph nodes and bones in his pelvis as well as his spine. He started chemo again this past week and it's been 100 X harder on him this go-around. He was very, very ill today and his oncologist insisted he go to the emergency room, so he did. He was admitted tonight. His white blood cell count is very low.
I've been having a lot of pain still where my right ovary was, so I went to the OB/GYN on Tuesday. He froze off a spot below were my uterus was...there was a spot that had over-healed and was kind of like a skin tag that was very painful and causing blood in my urine. But, for the other pain where my ovary was, I had a CT scan yesterday. Hope to get the results soon and I'd better NOT need surgery again! lol
My baby girl is growing by leaps and bounds! She is up to 25 lbs now. I can barely keep up with her!! LOL Here's where I caught her last night! She used 2 forks to bang on a pot. When she was done, she put the forks back in the silverware caddy, climbed off the dishwasher door, stood up and closed the door and laughed, said GOOD GIRL! while clapping her hands!! She is so stinkin' cute and funny!

Tonight, I discovered Pleasant Home and I love it! I found the cutest project on the site...see the pic below...
Ryleigh is going to be a lady bug for Halloween this year! Can't wait!
1 Kind words & kindred thoughts::
Sorry to hear about your fil and ongoing health issues with your mom. I'm glad to hear that you're doing well and I hope those tests come out fine too.
What a cute craft idea using those tic tacs! If I didn't already have goodie ideas for my neices and nephews this halloween, I would make those. Next year, I guess.
I haven't heard from you much lately on my blog. Hope you're okay.
Hugs~ birgit
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