The motel or "inn" we stayed in was a place we've stayed before. We had a separate living room and kitchen, so because of the extra space we had, we invited my mom, sister and Grandpa up to see us on Sunday afternoon. They hadn't seen Ryleigh since Christmas, so it was a lot of fun!
Then, the next day I surprised my mom by showing up at her apartment in Bloomington so that she could see Ryleigh again. Grandpa was there. He is 95, I believe. Here he is with my baby girl, his great-granddaughter. He always says she's a "cute little feller!" lol

This July, we'll celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary!

The above photo is of the outside of my favorite shop in Nashville. It's called Michael's Flower Shop. I'm always SO inspired when I go in there. It's a total sensory overload experience that never fails to encourage and inspire me. This photo was taken on the side of the shop. There's a little trail that wonders around back.
This is the countertop at Michael's! They cut out photos from magazines and redo the counter every season! This is only a small portion of it! It's FAB!

This corner held an eclectic mix of things. I couldn't resist taking a photo of this bright and funky chandelier!

The front entrance to the shop
My Michael's purchase: a wool penny rug and ornament:

The photo below is of the Story Inn. It was built in 1851. It still serves FABULOUS food! Please take a minute and read about the Inn here

The next 2 pix are the outside of another favorite shop. It was closed so I didn't get
to go in this trip.
to go in this trip.

We always eat at the Artist Colony Inn. The decor is awesome! We sat by the roaring fire and by the window shown below in the second photo.

As always, we had a wonderful time away. But, it's always good to come home!
Making Lemonade Design Team has an awesome giveaway going on! Check it out here!
And, my final piece of news for the day is I've started a selling blog! I'll be closing my web site in a day or so and I'll be listing my items on my selling blog. It's called Peterson Creek Mercantile. I hope you'll check it out!
2 Kind words & kindred thoughts::
Oh all those pictures make me want to go on a prim outing! So much to look at in all those wonderful shops.
Your grandpa looks like he's quite happy to be holding your little blessing. How wonderful for both of them!
Your new selling blog looks great too! I LOVE the backgrounds!! I hope it works out well for you.
Hugs~ Birgit
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