Wednesday, December 31, 2008
HappY New Year!
I am so thankful for each one of you! Here's to fun and friendship in 2009!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
How can we explain such a man?
--Marie Norton
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Long week
Earlier this week my hubby's last living grandparent, Grandma Peterson, passed away. She would have been 90 on December 18. The funeral was last night, about 2 hours away from us. Then, her burial is in Michigan tomorrow.
It's been a tough week. Some things happened with family and we ended up staying at home today for Thanksgiving. Not out of spite or anger. We just couldn't please everyone at the same time and my hubby said we just wouldn't go anywhere and we'd just stay home and rest. And we did. Seeing as how this happened at the last minute, I didn't have a turkey thawed or anything as we weren't having our dinner until Saturday, but we're not hosting one now since Grandma's passing and the burial being 7 hours away, etc.
So, because of the things that transpired yesterday that caused so much hurt, I sat up well after midnight sobbing. You know, I've spent most of my adult life trying to please everyone around me, to my own expense. I don't do that anymore, as it nearly destroyed my health in various ways, and now I'm paying the price for not pleasing everyone else.
I've cried until I don't think I can cry anymore and prayed about it and I'm trying to have a nice holiday with my hubby & baby girl. For our Thanksgiving meal, I had chicken strips from McDonald's and hubby had a chicken salad sandwich from Wal-mart cause he didn't want McD's. I don't want to feel sorry for myself, but I kind of do. My chicken wasn't that good! LOL
I've poured myself a tall Diet Pepsi, wadded my hair up in a clippy and I'm going to start dragging out the Christmas decor. Yes, I think I will.
Happy Thanksgiving, all.
PS- We're so thankful for our very own miracle through adoption!!
Ryleigh's first Thanksgiving:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Mad at
Today I went there in need of some black embroidery floss. I went up and down all the craft aisles at least twice. When I asked about it, the lady said they stopped carrying it over a year ago and would not carry it again. Huh?? They used to carry a rainbow of those 20 cent things of floss. She also told me they were doing away with their fabric department! I asked if they would still keep all the other crafty things like yarn, beads and so forth. She said they would be keeping some of the smaller items but not all.
New Castle is a small town. What makes me so mad about Wal-mart cutting back on their offerings is that in the past couple of years or so, in part thanks to the Super Wal-mart, Ben Franklin closed, Big Lots, Jo-Anne Fabrics & our one and only scrapbook store have all closed. Now that all these smaller businesses have closed people rely more heavily on Wal-mart in our town as that is the ONLY store around here (we have a couple of grocery stores). I needed that floss to finish up a project but I'm not driving 20+ miles somewhere for a 20 cent thing of floss.
I've got black paint and dental floss. Do you suppose......LOL Just kidding!
If you rely on your Wal-mart for fabric, etc. you should ask next time you're in your local store if they plan to do away with their fabric department. When I told my mom, she was like "OH! They carry Elvis fabric!!" She'll prolly be hiding under the Elvis fabric display, waiting on them to mark it down!! lol
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Is it just me?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Whatcha workin' on Wednesday
I had my colonoscopy Monday morning. NO cancer! NO polyps! What I do have is spasms in the bowel and I've been given prescription meds for that. However, they don't seem to be working. I still have lots of pain. The DR said if they don't work, then that will help to rule out the spasms as the cause of my pain. He said I may have endometroisos and would have to undergo further testing to make sure.
So, since I haven't been feeling so chipper, I've been catching up on some paper crafts. I made these cards below for a card swap. I usually don't make cards that aren't primitive or more country, but I got a great deal on some card kits last year after Christmas. These kits were originally from Target and I got them at Goodwill for 49 cents for 10 cards & envies!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day
The news on TV is saying that some people in Indianapolis have waited 5 hours in line to vote. Would I wait that long?? I don't know. I can't imagine I would stand in line that long. Maybe if they gave me a chair? lol Would you wait that long to vote?
I propose a new candidate for President! She certainly gets Mommy and Daddy's votes!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Ryleigh (my 17 week old baby girl) hasn't been sleeping much at night this week and I've been so exhausted! My DH had the afternoon off so I beggd for a nap! I laid done about 4:30 or 5:00 and woke up at midnight!! That would be why I'm blogging at 2:30 AM! lol
We met my in-law's today in a nearby town for lunch. While we were eating, in walked a group of 4 ladies and I screamed "LYDIA!!!" and scared everyone! LOL One of the ladies was a dear friend of 16 years that I haven't seen in at least 4 years! She and her family had moved to TN (from IN) and happened to be back up here visiting some of her family. What a FUN surprise!!!! She got to meet our little one for the first time!! We're going to try to get together tomorrow. When I screamed, my MIL said she thought I'd seen a rat! lol
Some GREAT FIL went back to the oncologist yesterday for the results of a recent bone scan. The DR said the scan was 100% clear...not even a shadow on it!! Praise the Lord! So, no more chemo for this year. He goes back Dec. 16. They'll watch his PSA level and will decide on future chemo after the first of the year, I think. What a nice break for the holidays though!
Just gotta add a couple pix of our baby Ryleigh over here, even though I have a baby blog. She was 17 weeks old this Tuesday.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A thank you for the Autumn Giveaway
My gosh, I have had the worst 5 days ever. I developed a virus and it has settled in my back making things almost unbearable. I am toughing it out here at work but this thing is really taking me for a beating. If I don’t take an Alieve then I am in a lot of pain.
Well imagine my surprise when I got home yesterday and there was a package lodged in the door! I totally forgot about putting in for your free giveaway and I was so thrilled that I sat on the couch and cried! I have been feeling so miserable and that put back some joy in life again. I can’t wait to go home later & hang it up! It is even better than what the picture looked like! I can’t thank you enough for it. Jerri Sikel
Monday, October 27, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Whatcha workin' on Wednesday

My colonoscopy is scheduled for Nov. 17. I hope I can go that long. I was awakened last night from a dead sleep in so much pain I thought I'd have to go to the ER. It's weird how the pain isn't consistent.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Autumn scenes

Saturday, October 18, 2008
test results
My CT scan came back normal, so the next step is a colonoscopy. =(
I will know the first of the week when I go for the test.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Prayers, please. =)
If I take 800 mg of pain meds, I can function, otherwise I'm in so much pain I'm bawling.
I also started antibiotics the first of Oct. for another chronic sinus infection. The meds haven't really helped much.
Please remember me in your thoughts and prayers! I'll keep you posted!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Going back home
Read that post here:
I've only been back to my grandpa's house 3 or 4 times in the past 20 years. However, just a day or two after reminiscing in a blog post, we took an unexpected trip to his house to deliver a bed for him.
Nothing, nothing, nothing has changed in his house. It all looks exactly the same from my childhood in the 70's. And, it has many of the same elements as when my mom was a child in the 40's. Same floor in the kitchen, etc.
I think my husband nearly passed out while we were there (lol) and I nearly choked to death from the dust, but I was able to look beyond all the junk and be transported to my childhood days spent at this very house. We didn't have toys there-we used our imaginations! We made mudpies, slept out under the stars (tried to anyway, until we got too scared!), ate apples straight from the tree, walked in the woods, walked to cousins' houses, walked walked walked. Never thought about sitting in front of television. Speaking of television, my Grandma always kept a clothespin on the TV's electrical cord at the wall plug-in to remind herself to unplug the TV when not in use. It'd been struck by lightning once and she didn't want it to happen again. She also kept a clothespin in her car. Whenever she turned her headlights on , she put the clothespin on the "knob" so she'sd remember to turn her lights off later. Of course, that was back when you had to pull a knob to turn your lights on and the high beam thingie was on the floor and you clicked it with your foot! lol
I took lots of pictures while at Grandpa's. My mom was mortified I think because to her, all the junk represents something she never wanted to be. I think it is why she hates the primitive look. She doesn't understand why someone would intentionally distress furniture, etc. I understand her feelings. She lived in this. I just visited and had fun! lol
Before I get started on the photos, my Grandpa's father, John Crockett was the nephew of Davy Crockett! His mom, Daisy Belle Crockett was a spitfire. Short little thing that chewed 'baccy! lol She lived to be almost 100 and passed away in about 1980. My great-grandma Daisy Belle is the inspiration for the name of our adoption blog,

The woodstove that sits in the middle of the living room, by the blue box.

There's a cupboard behind this old curtain. They store canned goods and things in this. I think it's the same curtain mamaw hung there in the 80's. The old door to the left of the cupboard leads to papaw's room.

The only cabinets in the kitchen. I peeked in them the other day and there's stuff in there from the 60's and 70's. Old medicine bottles, spices and so on. Ugh.

The front porch.

A string of old canning jar rings hangs from a nail on the porch.
Other stuff hanging in the porch
The outside of the house, looking at the front porch. In the center, you can see that dark thing leaning to the right...that's the old separator I brought home.
I'd also mentioned in that previous post about being baptized in a horse trough at a country church. We stopped by the church. The trough was just beyond the white railing. Mom said they have a baptistry in the church now.
The back of the country church.
Going "home" last week was good for my soul. Thanks for coming along with me on the journey!