Is it dark and deary and wet and cold anywhere else? Is anyone else in a yucky mood besides me? lol. It's been a long week and it's only Wednesday!

I took this picture from my living room window at 4:50 PM tpday. The view is our driveway and front yard. DREARY!
3 Kind words & kindred thoughts::
Yup, Its dreary here in wisconsin too. Haven't seen the sun in a week! BOO HOO. It makes me depressed- every year.. no motivation, lack of inspiration, boredom ect..It's been foggy all day here, can't see 10 feet out the door!
It's damp and cold here in Maine too. I finally left the house for the first time yesterday to pick up some groceries and thought I was going to freeze! One way to beat the cold is to stay inside with a warm cup of yummy and make cards!
Hugs~ Birgit
Yup, it's awfully yucky blucky & dreary here in Upper Mi as well. It was a fabulous day to put up more Christmas trees though =)
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