This old separator sat in my grandparents yard for decades. We brought it home, hosed off all the mud and I'm still wondering what I can do with it.
My grandma, who passed away 19 years ago, always stuck plastic flowers in it. lol
My mom, who hates the primitive look, says I need to spray paint it. My thoughts were, YIKES! lol
But, I'm wondering what you think. Please give me some great ideas!
I do have a covered front porch that it will sit on.
3 Kind words & kindred thoughts::
It is a cool piece but no, I wouldn't paint it either. LOL! Why not put a plant or flower in the pot looking part and if the top part is flush, can you put a long planter on the top of that??
I can't wait to see what you might do with it. You're so creative!
Hugs~ Birgit
I definately would NOT paint this piece either!....i could see it being made into a wonderful table to sit on your front porch!!! I see that the top is not "flush" but you could still do a plank type table top there...then I would just leave the bottom portion open and continue to use that as a planter and change out with the seasons.
Is that crank moveable?...If so, I would move it to the side and hang signs from it as well with the seasons!
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