Friday, March 23, 2007

SO mad!

I went shopping today at Goodies, a clothing store. When I left the store, I could hear kids screaming at the top of their lungs. I saw a car with the windows rolled down and two small children hanging out the windows screaming all sorts of things. What made me so mad was the fact that there was NO adult in sight!! Someone had left these two small children in the car in a parking lot by themselves!!!!
I called 911 and told the dispatcher about it. She was furious too! When I drove over behind the car to get the license plate number, the "mother" or whoever she was, came out and got in the car. She'd been shopping in Goodies!
The dispatcher asked if the kids were in restraint seats of any kind and when I said no, she asked for the plate number, etc. and was sending a cop to stop that car once it pulled out on the highway! I had to follow the woman to relay to the dispatcher where the lady was going. In Indiana, the dispatcher said that kids must be in a restraint seat of some type until the child is taller than 4' 9" or something like that.
I was so mad I was almost shaking! When the lady left Goodies, she drove to Blockbuster, returned a movie and once again left the kids in the car!
You know, if it's too much trouble to take the kids in the store when you shop, maybe going shopping isn't a good idea?

0 Kind words & kindred thoughts::