Earlier this week my hubby's last living grandparent, Grandma Peterson, passed away. She would have been 90 on December 18. The funeral was last night, about 2 hours away from us. Then, her burial is in Michigan tomorrow.
It's been a tough week. Some things happened with family and we ended up staying at home today for Thanksgiving. Not out of spite or anger. We just couldn't please everyone at the same time and my hubby said we just wouldn't go anywhere and we'd just stay home and rest. And we did. Seeing as how this happened at the last minute, I didn't have a turkey thawed or anything as we weren't having our dinner until Saturday, but we're not hosting one now since Grandma's passing and the burial being 7 hours away, etc.
So, because of the things that transpired yesterday that caused so much hurt, I sat up well after midnight sobbing. You know, I've spent most of my adult life trying to please everyone around me, to my own expense. I don't do that anymore, as it nearly destroyed my health in various ways, and now I'm paying the price for not pleasing everyone else.
I've cried until I don't think I can cry anymore and prayed about it and I'm trying to have a nice holiday with my hubby & baby girl. For our Thanksgiving meal, I had chicken strips from McDonald's and hubby had a chicken salad sandwich from Wal-mart cause he didn't want McD's. I don't want to feel sorry for myself, but I kind of do. My chicken wasn't that good! LOL
I've poured myself a tall Diet Pepsi, wadded my hair up in a clippy and I'm going to start dragging out the Christmas decor. Yes, I think I will.
Happy Thanksgiving, all.
PS- We're so thankful for our very own miracle through adoption!!
Ryleigh's first Thanksgiving: