Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Life continues on
Thistle House
Friday, September 26, 2008
What season are you?
You Belong in Fall |
![]() Intelligent, introspective, and quite expressive at times... |
Cute card
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Grassy Creek Primitives
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I have to list 6 random things about myself and then tag 6 others.
Let's see...
1. A secret dream of mine for many, many years is to write a Christian fiction novel. I have one started in an old spiral bound notebook. I wrote a couple of chapters, panicked and packed it away somewhere! lol. It seems I have a fear of failure and a fear of success. I recently had my first print article published in The Country Register and the editor responded to my statement that I'd always wanted to be a writer with "You already ARE a writer!" That made me feel good. =)
2. Although I'm not teaching right now, I taught Sunday School for almost 20 years! And I'm only 37!
3. I'm from the rolling hills of southwestern IN. My Grandparents pastored a tiny church on White River. My Grandma was an old-time fire & brimstone preacher and she baptized people in the river. When I wanted to get baptized, my Grandma was dying of breast cancer and couldn't baptize me, so she sent me to a nearby church that was pastored by a young man under her tutelage. I was baptized on a cool autumn day outside in a horse trough! It was September 1981 and I was 10 years old.
4. I am not a "phone talker". I'd rather email! lol
5. My other grandparents were from the same area in southwestern IN. They live WAY out in the country. (My grandma is deceased). I was 10 years old (1981) when they got indoor plumbing! 1981! They used a hand pump on the kitchen sink to wash dishes prior to that. And of course there was an outhouse. My mom got bit on the leg by a snake in that outhouse! Grandpa was so stingy with the water when they got indoor plumbing that I remember he'd run the bathroom sink full of water in the morning and put the stopper in. Everyone was to use that same water ALL day to wash their hands! He thought it such a waste for each to run clean water to wash their hands. Never mind it was well-water! lol I never told him I didn't use that dirty water to wash my hands in! Grandpa is now 93 and I wonder if he still remembers all that? He's pretty sharp most days. Both sets of grandparents have tin roofs on their houses.
6. I am on the hunt for an old log cabin that someone will give to me free or really cheap. I want to dismantle it and reassemble it on our property for a primitive shoppe!
I'm going to tag:
~NeeNee at KKL Creations (http://thekrazykraftlady.blogspot.com/)
~ Anna at Sweet & Sassy Designs (http://sweetmissdaisy.typepad.com/)
~Diane at A Primitive Journey (http://aprimitivejourney.blogspot.com/)
I'm gonna have to work on coming up with 3 more! lol
Monday, September 22, 2008
Prim Candy Corn

1. Draw a triangle, but instead of pointed corners, make them rounded. Make as large or as small as you'd like, keeping in mind, that the finished item will be smaller than the pattern you created by approximately 1/2 inch. My drawing is 6 1/2" long by 4" wide at the bottom. My finished candy corn is 6" by 3 1/2".
2. Trace your pattern on to piece of muslin fabric larger than the drawing of your pattern. I like to use an electric 'box' that has a lightbulb under it. I purchased mine at Joanne Fabrics. Plug it in, place your pattern on top, then your fabric. The light shines through the pattern allowing for much easier tracing. Trace the pattern onto the fabric using a Mark B Gone marking pen. You can purchase these also at Joanne Fabrics & Walmart.
3. The tracing line is your sewing line, sew all around, but leave an opening at the bottom of your fabric for stuffing. About one inch is good.
4. With your scissors, cut within a 1/4 inch of the sewing line, being careful not to cut into the sewing line itself. When you come to the opening that was left for stuffing - don't cut straight across - cut down about 1/4", then over the length of the opening, then back up to within a 1/4" making a 'tab'. I like to do this with all my 'openings' I think it makes for a cleaner finish.
5. Turn fabric right side out, tuck in the tab and stuff firmly with fiberfill. Slip stitch opening closed.
6. Now you're ready to paint with some acrylic paints! Paint the lower 1/3 of the candy corn with antique white. Paint the middle section with either gold ochre or raw sienna. Paint the top 1/3 section with terra cotta. Use a dry brush and blend the lines from the top color into the bottom color to blend so you won't have a harsh line.
7. Let air dry overnight or oven dry on the lowest temperature, watching carefully so it doesn't burn, turning over every few minutes.
8. When dry, lightly sand with fine sandpaper. With 2 strands of embroidery floss, sew X's across each 'line' as shown in photo.
9. Final step is to stain with a mixture of instant coffee & vanilla. I mix approximately 1 cup of hot water with 3-4 T. of instant coffee and add 2-3 T. of vanilla. Mix well. I brush the liquid on both sides & then air dry. Again, you can oven dry, but be careful your candy corn doesn't burn!! If you'd like your candy corn to look really prim - while still damp with the coffee mixture, generously rub in ground cinnamon and let dry.
I think I'll give this a try! let me know if you do too! I'll post pix of your results!
Saturday, September 20, 2008

It was published in The Country Register. I did an interview with a shop owner (QUILTS N GIFTS) and you can read the article here:
My article begins on page 19.
If you'd like one of the actual newspapers, let me know!
If you have trouble with the link above, try this one:
and on the left hand side, there's a menu where you'll click on "read paper online".
A sampling of the pictures I took at the shop:
Friday, September 19, 2008
This isn't the only one of these signs we saw at gas stations in TN.
Yes, that's Miss Ryleigh on the bed! lol
Miss Ryleigh was trying so hard to crawl!
I came out from a shop and found these two characters on the porch!
Cades Cove
Cades Cove
Ryleigh with a black bear lol
Mill flume
The mill flume was a device used by Cades Cove's pioneers to divert water from a stream to power a mill. The water turned a large waterwheel by falling on the large paddles
I've been a "student" of the Smokies and especially Cades Cove for many years. I have quite a library of historical books by descendants of the original pioneers. The history of the place draws me like no other place does. If you don't know much about Cades Cove, please go here: http://www.cadescove.net/cades_cove_pioneers.html
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Seasons of Change
I love everything about autumn:
- warm days, chilly nights
- rustle of the dried corn stalks in the fields around our house
- Indian corn
- from-scratch, hot fried apple donuts from a neighboring orchard
- pumpkin patches
- wearing big sweatshirts
- scarecrows
- festivals
- red, yellow and orange leaves
- walking through deep fallen leaves and kicking them up with my feet
- spice scented candles
- bonfires
- hayrides
- hot chocolate
- kettle corn
- s'mores
The list goes on and on! I LoVe AuTuMn!
For me, autumn brings good changes. I'm not a big fan of hot, humid summer days. I'd take 70* temps year round!
Sometimes though, change can be so hard. Especially when you know you've made the changes you needed to make to do what you need to do and be what you need to be, but you aren't supported by others whom you thought would support you. When you know you're in the place that God has chosen for you, somehow, it has to be OK that others don't support you if they so choose and you have to find peace anyway. Something better will come along!
And so it's the same with autumn. I love it. I can't wait for it to come in full-swing. But the sad thing with autumn for me is the change that follows- winter. Each year I just batten down the hatches and trust that as usual something better will come along eventually... in the form of spring.