Today Fred & I are celebrating our 14th wedding anniversary. In fact, as I type this, the time is 3 minutes until the time our wedding started, back on July 3, 1993!!
We had such a beautiful wedding! The weather was gorgeous and we were able to share our day with so many family and friends!
Our colors were burgundy, hunter green and a touch of gold. We had 14 people in our wedding party!
My father-in-law, who is a minister, did the special prayer while we were at the kneeling/prayer bench. It was very moving and so anointed. There wasn't a dry eye in the church!
Fred's mom had kidney failure when he was about 10. She prayed that she'd live long enough to see him graduate high school. She did. She then prayed she'd live long enough to see him get married. She did. Fred's dad mentioned these things in his prayer at the wedding and it was so moving! We were all crying! My MIL Jane lived to see her son graduate from pharmacy school at Butler University and begin his career as a pharmacist. He actually became a pharmacist due to the influence of the medical people in his mom's life during her sickness.
We had our reception at the church and then drove to Indianapolis for the night. The next day, we flew to Boston then drove to Cape Cod. We stayed in B & B's, ate fresh seafood and just had a fabulous time! I think the most special thing was while we were staying at Mostly Hall B & B in Falmouth, MA., right on the ocean. We walked down to the beach and sat with thousands of others on the sand, watching the fireworks being shot off a ship out in the water! It was breathtaking! Somewhere, way down the beach, someone began singing "America the Beautiful" and it filtered down the shore as everyone joined in. Thousands were singing but there was a hush in the air and it was so moving that we sang with tears streaming down our faces! All these years later, we've never forgotten the feeling we felt, on that beach in Massachusetts, sitting among strangers but all having a common bond in the pride and thankfulness we felt in living in America.
We drove to Newport Rhode Island and visited the Vanderbilt's mansion there, ate more seafood, etc. This is where Jackie Kennedy grew up and her family home is there.
See The Breakers here:
See Mostly Hall here:
While there, we stayed in this room:
We went to Hyannis Port, MA and saw an eternal flame for JFK.
We ferried to Martha's Vineyard. What fun!! We saw Jackie's home there, as well as Carly Simon and...what's that lady's name that was married to Woody Allen? Her home is there. There is just so much to see and do in Martha's Vineyard!
We drove to Plymouth Rock in Plymouth, MA. We got to see the rock where the Pilgrims landed. We stayed in a little, old cabin near there. There's "Plimouth Plantation" there-it's like a living history outdoor museum. I bought some little things in the gift shop there that I still put on our Christmas tree each year!
This photo of us looks so funny! I held it at an angle and it makes us look like midgets with big heads!! lol

Our Reception

We're going to Indianapolis tonight to eat and do some shopping. YAY! lol